Hungarian Football Association
We deliver and set up the following products year after year:
- football goals and nets
- volleyball goals and nets
- corner flags
- subs’ bench
Client: Hungarian Football Association
Address: All over the country within the framework of MLSZ Nationwide Course Building Program.
We deliver and set up the following products year after year:
- wall bars
- gym benches
- small boxes
- gym mats with PVC and PTP coating
- springboards
- climbing ropes
- high jump measures (metallic)
- high jump rods
- rings
- other gymnastics and skill developement supplies
Client: Klebelsberg Intézményfenntartó Központ
Address: all schools and member institutions of the country

Tüskecsarnok and uszodakomplexum
- Wall bars
- Mobile és fixed grandstands
- Mobile és fixed stairs
- Grandstand seats
- Chair robes
Clients: Swietelsky HUNGARY Ltd. and National Sport Centers
Address: 7, Magyar tudósok körútja,: Budapest 1117: Hungary
Arena Savaria
- competition, hydraulic basketball stands with hoops, rings and nets
- other additional equipmets (Manufacturer: Sport System)
Client: Szombathelyi Sportközpont and Sportiskola Nonprofit Ltd.
Address: 18, Sugár Street,: Szombathely 9700: Hungary
- FIFA és UEFA certified football goals
- Safety net sin front of the sectors
- Player entrances between subs’s benches
Clients: Eurogreen-Tiszafa Ltd. and HUNÉP Universal Építőipari Ltd.
Address: 12, Nagyerdei park,: Debrecen 4032: Hungary4032
Zsíros Tibor Basketball Hall
- Basketball stands (hoops, rings, nets)
- Wall bars
- Benches
- Safety nets
- Divider curtain ( with PVC coating, engnie operated)
- MULTISPORT PROFESSIONAL scoreboard equipment
- BASKETBALL COMPLETT scoreboard equipment
Client: Társ-95 Ltd.
Address: 27-29, Kada Street,: Budapest 1103: Hungary
Debrecen Calvinistic Theologycal University Ferenc Kölcsey Practicing Primary School
- Basketball stands (hoops, rings, nets)
- 3×2 handball goal and net (IHF certified)
- Springboards
- Small boxes
- Wall bars
- 5-piece tournament cabinet
- Divider curtain (with yellow PVC coating, engine operated)
- Pull up bars for wall bars
- Safety nets
Client: HUNÉP Univerzal Építőipari Ltd.
Address: 17, Hunyadi János Street,: Debrecen 4026: Hungary
Saint Imre Catholic High School, Primary School, Dormitary, Preschool and Basic Art School
- Foldable basketball stands (hoop, net, ring)
- Wall bars
- Electronic scoreboard
- Safety nets
- Outdoor streetball stands (hoop, ring, chain-bag net)
- 3×2 outdoor and indoor hangball goals (IHF certified)
Client: Vitabau Ltd.
Address: 19, Ungvár Street,: Nyíregyháza 4400: Hungary
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