Széchenyi 2020


Hungarian Football Association
We are a qualified supplier of Hungarian Football Association (MLSZ) within the framework of Nationwide Course Building Program (OPP), since the foundation of our company.

We deliver and set up the following products year after year:

  • football goals and nets
  • volleyball goals and nets
  • corner flags
  • subs’ bench

Client: Hungarian Football Association
Address: All over the country within the framework of MLSZ Nationwide Course Building Program.

Our company has been winning tenders year after year in the subject of purchasing various sports equipments and has been delivering products to the institutions of Klebelsberg Intézményfenntartó Központ (KLIK).

We deliver and set up the following products year after year:

  • wall bars
  • gym benches
  • small boxes
  • gym mats with PVC and PTP coating
  • springboards
  • climbing ropes
  • high jump measures (metallic)
  • high jump rods
  • rings
  • other gymnastics and skill developement supplies

Client: Klebelsberg Intézményfenntartó Központ
Address: all schools and member institutions of the country

Tüskecsarnok and uszodakomplexum
We delivered and set up the following products

  • Wall bars
  • Mobile és fixed grandstands
  • Mobile és fixed stairs
  • Grandstand seats
  • Chair robes

Clients: Swietelsky HUNGARY Ltd. and National Sport Centers
Address: 7, Magyar tudósok körútja,: Budapest 1117: Hungary

Arena Savaria
We delivered and set up the following products:

  • competition, hydraulic basketball stands with hoops, rings and nets
  • other additional equipmets (Manufacturer: Sport System)

Client: Szombathelyi Sportközpont and Sportiskola Nonprofit Ltd.
Address: 18, Sugár Street,: Szombathely 9700: Hungary

We delivered and set up the following products:

  • FIFA és UEFA certified football goals
  • Safety net sin front of the sectors
  • Player entrances between subs’s benches

Clients: Eurogreen-Tiszafa Ltd. and HUNÉP Universal Építőipari Ltd.
Address: 12, Nagyerdei park,: Debrecen 4032: Hungary4032

Zsíros Tibor Basketball Hall
We delivered and set up the following products:

  • Basketball stands (hoops, rings, nets)
  • Wall bars
  • Benches
  • Safety nets
  • Divider curtain ( with PVC coating, engnie operated)
  • MULTISPORT PROFESSIONAL scoreboard equipment
  • BASKETBALL COMPLETT scoreboard equipment

Client: Társ-95 Ltd.
Address: 27-29, Kada Street,: Budapest 1103: Hungary

Debrecen Calvinistic Theologycal University Ferenc Kölcsey Practicing Primary School
We delivered and set up the following products:

  • Basketball stands (hoops, rings, nets)
  • 3×2 handball goal and net (IHF certified)
  • Springboards
  • Small boxes
  • Wall bars
  • 5-piece tournament cabinet
  • Divider curtain (with yellow PVC coating, engine operated)
  • Pull up bars for wall bars
  • Safety nets

Client: HUNÉP Univerzal Építőipari Ltd.
Address: 17, Hunyadi János Street,: Debrecen 4026: Hungary

Saint Imre Catholic High School, Primary School, Dormitary, Preschool and Basic Art School
We delivered and set up the following products:

  • Foldable basketball stands (hoop, net, ring)
  • Wall bars
  • Electronic scoreboard
  • Safety nets
  • Outdoor streetball stands (hoop, ring, chain-bag net)
  • 3×2 outdoor and indoor hangball goals (IHF certified)

Client: Vitabau Ltd.
Address: 19, Ungvár Street,: Nyíregyháza 4400: Hungary

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